Community involvement for improving quality of education in Gumla, Jharkhand

Basic Question To Be Solved

How to bring in a sense of ownership & responsibility towards education in the minds of parents and the overall community?


Education is one of the primary agents of transformation towards development. It is an activity, or a series of activities, or a process which may either improve the immediate living conditions or increase the potential for future living.

While trying to understand the reasons for degraded quality of education in the schools, We had a thorough discussion with Education department officials, DEO, DSC, ADPO, Principals, Teachers, Parents) to understand the critical gaps. While all are aware of the probable reasons, no one had a clear , well defined reasons behind the critical gaps. An in-depth study was necessary, hence after thorough research the district invited Prajayatna, an NGO working in the district to propose for a way to carry out gap- analysis and then contribute to improve the overall learning outcomes. The initiative has two parts to it:-

  1. Local Educational Governance Data (LEGD) – Collection and dissemination of Local
    Educational Governance Data (LEGD) from the schools to give substance for community engagement and deliberation
  2. Action Roadmap – Creating a learning environment through community engagement,· Institutional capacity building of the School Management Committees and the Gram Panchayat, Advocacy – Supporting the community to engage with the government system at various levels. Panchayats, Enhancing enrolment and retention at the primary level & ·Empowerment of teachers.