Dibakara Mahapatra
Koraput, Odisha
Education: B.tech in Bio-technology
Last Employer: PRADAN
A B.tech in Bio-technology from College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, I was selected by PRADAN during campus placements. I joined the organisation as a Development Apprentice and became an executive after completing the apprenticeship period. My major role and responsibilities at PRADAN included community mobilization, livelihood planning and execution, SHG promotion, input linkages, identifying gender issues and organising awareness camps.
I am excited to join the AD Fellowship as I will be working directly with government departments and that will help me bring changes on the ground. I have experience in planning and implementation of livelihood programmes so I can contribute in government projects and schemes. In consonance with my prior work experience I have identified issues related to health, nutrition and education for which I can work. I have seen the difficulties that communities have to face in order to access government schemes and benefits. I can help the departments to make the schemes more accessible. I can build linkages between various departments so that they can work more effectively.